Hey!! I am

Fiza Tahir

My Areas of Expertise Are

About Me

Fiza Tahir | SEO Content Writer (MPhil. Physics)

I’m content writer, certified by e-Rozgaar PITB. Giving services to the  international clients and companies for 3+ years over multiple projects. Besides, I’ve worked in e-Rozgaar as a Teacher Assistant. Apart from other perks, I’m nominated in the list of 102 Freelancers of Pakistan, booklet by PSEB.

Quality work always determines the destination, and that’s the actual reason for my successful career. I never compromised over quality, that’s why 95% of my clients are returning buyers.

Embedded with the expertise of writing high-quality blog posts, guest posts, product descriptions and researched content on multiple niches, I always satisfied my clients with 5 star feedback.

I have strong passion and skills to rank sites of any niche higher on search engines by writing or rewriting the creative and engaging content.

In the mission to pay back to the community, I’ve trained 150+ students to learn and earn online.

Based on my skills and hard work, I’ve been admired by multiple platforms. You can read my success story here

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3+ Years


95% Of My Clients

Are Returning Buyers



Areas of Expertise

SEO Content Writing

The destiny seems to be fulfilled when my patrons give positive and appreciated feedback…

Website Content Writing

You can accomplish astonishing Search Engines Optimization results with effective...

Blog Posts

What can be a more effective way than first-rate blog posts to promote a business or…

Content Strategy

Effective and authentic content can lead to triumph, and I’m here to assist you...

Product Description Writing

Compelling product descriptions and competitive long-tail...

Social Media Captions

Make your social media posts compelling and captivating with some assistance...

Resume Summary and Cover Letter Writing

What do you think is the best way to make a remarkable expression in front of a top-class interviewer? Professionally and creatively written resume or cover letter, and I’m here to assist you to make a noteworthy first expression and get hired.